
To you my MoM…

1 min read

Inside a cotton bed, with my eyes closed
Sleeping was a tiny piece of your life
Like a pearl inside the oyster of love
You kept me safe n sound in my castle.

The song you sang for the little me in you
The prayers you made for the little me in you
Was my breath in which I lived in you and
Was the voice that calmed my thirsty ears

After all those care for long ten months

I was waiting to have your kisses and hugs
And that one day came, the day of joy
When I saw that angel who carried me
And you were so pretty, lovely, and fair.

Your kisses on me are still alive, that
Never can I let slip, the sweetness of it,
Your hugs of love and care for me was
Like a cool breeze made of love.

I grew under the shade of your affection
Like a creeper plant climbing on its tree
You gave me shelter, made of warm care
And the sweet bread baked out of love.

You showed me the path to choose
And you taught me to love everyone
You became the oil in my life lamp
And you taught me how to live my life.

Finally, you gave me the spirit to write poems
And on this fine day, I present this to you
With lots of love, care, kisses, and hugs

That cord between us may have been cut
Still, the cord of love binds us together
The word of thanks can never express
My feeling of love and gratitude to you
But still, I would like to thank the great God
For a great, great, and great MOTHER like you !

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